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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Proclamations are cool, but achievable goals are better

What do you want to do, be and have in 2012? Be specific! Take some time to really think about what you want. Jot notes, doodle, color, meditate or use whatever tools you want to let yourself really tune in. Once you have a good idea about what you want make sure your goals are measurable and attainable. Goal setting isn't just creating a list it's about setting a foundation. How will you know if you've reached your goal if it's too vague? How will you know if you are on track if you don't take the time to visualize the steps needed? Figure out each piece and determine a timeline. Most importantly if you fail to determine these markers for each goal you may feel unsure or become easily derailed on your way toward your accomplishments. Then share some or all of your goals with a friend or a coach that is going to check in with you and keep you focused. Once you have everything outlined then make sure these details are in a safe place - journal/online document that you can reference as often as needed. You may need to update And you will want to re-access, especially when you've reached some if them. Cheers to you creating the life you want! If you want to share a few or all of your goals please do below.

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